We adopted Geena in February 2017 and she became ruler of the roost almost immediately. She runs around with abandon and loves to try to get us to follow her (or vice versa) around the house. Her favorite chair is the one in this picture. Seems to suit her coloring.

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We aren’t quite  sure if our 10-year old cocker spaniel Bruno always remembers we have her, but she has gotten use to his curmudgeonly ways and isn’t scared to get up next to him. And honestly, we think he doesn’t mind her either.

Geena 4

Our biggest challenge… she loves her crunchies (hard food) and when she doesn’t have hers she’ll go after Bruno’s so we are trying to curtail that habit.


She is a crazy, spunky and happy kitty and we’re so glad to have her.

Jennifer, Jon, Sylvia, and Bruno

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