Over recent years, many friends, supporters, and volunteers of Feline Rescue have left legacies via their wills or trusts. These bequests have enabled the care of hundreds of cats, allowing Feline Rescue to grow and plan new services for cats and their human companions.
You may simply state in your will or trust document:
“I give to Feline Rescue, Inc. a 501c)(3) corporation, located in Saint Paul, Minnesota,[ _____% of my estate – or - $_____] to Feline Rescue, Inc. for its unrestricted use.” If you wish to direct your legacy to our Endowment Fund or our Medical Miracle Fund, please so state in your bequest.
In many cases supporters may designate Feline Rescue, Inc. as a beneficiary to an IRA, SEP-IRA, 401(k), or other asset account designating “Transfer upon Death” to Feline Rescue, Inc. Please consult with your attorney, broker, banker, or plan administrator to pursue this option.
Feline Rescue Tax ID: 41-1876072
Phone: 612-900-2757
Email: info@FelineRescue.org