Feline Rescue thinks the best way for you to get a feel for the work of the organization and it’s many dedicated volunteers is by letting our adopters (and their cats!) tell their own success stories.

Today we hear from Julie and Eric, who adopted Beanie.

Beanie, our barn cart with the half ear*, was adopted in December.

Beanie 2 revised

He seemed to be a popular cat at the shelter. Now he’s getting along just fine with our other cat, Max, rumm tumm as he was known in the shelter, who was adopted in 2016. The two are doing very well.


Thanks for everything, Julie and Eric

*When feral cats are trapped to be neutered and returned to their habitat, the tip of an ear is clipped off. This makes them easier to identify in the future out there in the “wild”. Beanie obviously didn’t really want to be feral after all.